So I've been reading the Teach Like a Pirate book by Dave Burgess. I love that the book is focused on passion and how that should motivate your teaching. Being a couple weeks into summer, I needed a little motivator to start working on some of my summer projects. So my goal this week is to list out some things I want to accomplish to make my school year better and more engaging for my students. I have many ideas rolling around in my head and I know if I work on some of them now, I'll be more likely to implement them when the school year rolls around.
So my mini-post for tonight is to ask what you want to work on this summer. My passion is technology both as a personal and a professional passion, so I'll be working on some things to make my technology use in the classroom run a little smoother as well as just having some things ready so I'm not scrambling when I remember to do them during the school year. I'd also like to learn a little more about whole brain teaching in order to up my classroom management and engagement. I know my students this year spoiled me with their behavior and I know I'll have to try some new things next year.
So leave me a comment about what you want to work on OR tweet me @jmill517. Maybe we have some similar passions and can put our heads together over some things!
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