So I've had a whole day to process and my mind is still reeling with all the things I would like to do from PodStock but I would like to sit down and write out some of my thoughts. Hopefully you can follow this!
So I was really upset not to make it to PreCon which was a giant MakerSpace but I wasn't sure I could afford it and I wasn't sure if I could ask to go. However, there were a lot of opportunities to see and hear about MakerSpaces. The best way I can explain a MakerSpace would be a place where there are a lot of materials for hands on learning and creating. For example, in a MakerSpace a student could learn to sew a bag or they could learn to make a circuit. I would love to bring this idea into my classroom but I don't have the room to put MakerSpace in my class so I've thought of some options.
My first thought is to slowly acquire materials and consumables and keep them in containers in my room that can be easily accessed and brought out. Also, I would offer to let other teachers use the materials if they wanted. The only thing about this is that I would have to get permission to get rid of some old curriculum materials and I don't know how that will go over. My other option would be to ask about creating a MakerSpace somewhere in our school, but I'm not sure we have the room to have a designated space right now. We are in the process of getting some additions because of a bond issue but I'm not sure how that would work right now. I'm thinking the portable MakerSpace would be the best option.
I think to get materials and consumables, I'm going to ask parents for donations of anything they might already have they might not be using. I'm also going to research grants and see if there any I could get to help with finding.
I went to a great session about getting funding through grants. The presenter made grants seem easy and accessible if you're willing to put in the effort to write them. She also talked about letting your students help and I love being able to have them have a little say in some of it. I plan to look up a few because I would like to get some funding to create the MakerSpace I mentioned above as well as getting funding for some video equipment. The presenter also mentioned a grant for funding to go to conferences. One of the coaches in our district and I started discussing the possibility of applying for that grant to go to a couple different conferences. I'm excited about the possibilities.
One of the first sessions I went to was about videos in the classroom and the presenter had a lot of great ideas! Here is the link to his presentation which has some good ideas. I could see a lot of his ideas being easily implemented in the classroom.
One of the other sessions I did not attend but was told about talked about a morning video they put on for their school. This was interesting to me because last year I took our morning news and started doing a weekly recorded video instead. However, after watching their videos I feel like I could teach some students to produce these videos every day. All I need is a good MacBook for video editing and maybe a camera if feasible. Here is a link to their YouTube channel. I do wish I would have gone to this session, but I'll take the link and run with it!
Also looking into starting a Periscope channel to show what we're doing in the classroom.
There was a session on Story Starters using Lego's. I had learned a little bit about this during EdCampKS but I was excited to see a little more. Now, there is a Lego Story Starter kit you can buy with software, but it seemed expensive and the software does my little good with only my laptop as a computer and all my students using iPads. So here is my thinking, I'm going to put it out there on the school Facebook page that I am looking for Lego's that anyone would be willing to donate they're not using. If I don't get many, I could probably look into grant writing for that or do a Donor's Choose project.
Final Thoughts
So many things rattling around that I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything else! I am planning on starting my classroom layout this coming week. Stay tuned for pictures of my desk-less classroom! I might also be on Periscope this week as I start shopping for my classroom. Check out my Twitter for those videos!
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